Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Jillie Pays It Forward - Fundraiser

Jillie is feeling healthy and ready to pay it forward!

For those of you who are new here and don't know about Jillie, let me give you a brief introduction. Jillie is the daughter of close friends of mine and was diagnosed with Acute Myloid Leukemia last year at the age of 2.5. My blog and followers rallied around her with giveaways, messages, love and support and her story has a happy ending as she is now in remission and cancer free!

While in the hospital where she spent nearly every day for 4 months her family noticed the lack of good healthy food and an over abundance of junk food easily handed out to the children with cancer. 

Jillie and her family are now trying to pay it forward. Raising money to bring change and healthy food options to the hospital where Jillie was staying. They believe healthy food in can create such a difference in the healing of these children.

Please visit Jillie's site to read more about her story and the need to pay it forward. Please donate if you can or share her story to make a difference. If everyone donated even just $1 the impact could be so great! Thank You!


  1. I am SO happy to see Jillie healthy! Every time I see a picture of her on FB, happy & healthy, it puts a BIG smile on me face :)

  2. What a wonderful cause and it's so nice to see that family helping others!
