Monday, June 11, 2012

Strawberry Pie Recipe

The strawberries are finally ready here in Oregon and they don't last long. One of the best things other than having an abundance of fresh fruit for the kiddos, is fresh Strawberry Pie!

This Strawberry Pie is almost a meal in itself and has been on occasion over the years. Tonight was our first pie of the season and was oh so delicious! I thought I would take a quick minute to share with you and hope you can try one very soon!

Strawberry Pie Recipe
Crust: 2 Cups Flour
           1/4 cup sugar
           2/3 cup oil
           1/4 cup milk

Sauce: 1 cup mashed berries
            1 cup sugar
            1/2 cup water
            4 tablespoons corn starch

Strawberries: Cut desired amount of berries in a large bowl.

Crust: Mix the flour and the sugar together. Mix the oil and the milk together. Add the oil mixture to the flour mixture and mix with a fork until crumbly. Press into pie plate or baking pan. Bake at 400 degrees until the edges start turning brown. (Aprrox. 10-15 minutes) (Note: Press out thin for crispy crust, make thicker for chewy crust)

Sauce: Mix all ingredients in the pan and stir on medium heat constantly until thick and jelly like.

Mix desired amount of strawberries with a little bit of the sauce mixture at a time until you get the desired amount of sweetness. We usually keep our berries and crust separate that way it doesn't get soggy. We then just break off the crust and top with berries when ready to eat. The same goes with the berries. We mix only the amount of berries and sauce that will be eaten at that time. Then the leftovers will be ready to mix and serve the next day too! Top with Cool Whip or topping of choice!

You will most likely have leftover sauce for another pie unless you like your berries really sweet and gooey!

Happy Summer! Enjoy!


  1. The strawberries here in NC are gorgeous and plentiful. What a beautiful way to use and eat them! Great pic of the finished product! Thanks for the recipe!

  2. That's not as difficult as I thought it would be....hmmm, thanks for sharing this.

  3. I love strawberries and I love pie! Awesome combination and simple recipe and very well detailed. Thanks so much!

    toni marie caravello feimer
